Due efforts and considerations have gone towards planning for an effective and safe reopening of our Madressa. We thank the parents and teachers who attended recent meetings, and for their subsequent feedback regards views on reopening.
The senior management team at Hyderi Islamic School have closely examined the various factors required to carry out measures of maintaining a safe environment. After due consideration the decision was made to keep Madressa closed for on-site learning.
Hyderi Islamic School will reopen Insha'Allah in Sept 2020 for ONLINE TEACHING ONLY.
In order to ensure a smooth and timely opening, we kindly request parents to complete their child's(ren's) tablet order here. Thank you to all who have done so already. Here are some key dates to be aware of:
1/2 September 2020 Parent & Student training session/review session
3 September 2020. Load Testing
5 September 2020 TEACHERS INSET DAY
12/19 September 2020 STUDENTS INDUCTION
Please look out for the next steps.